Wednesday, November 12, 2008

One of those Days!

Today has been one of those days! You know when you want to crawl back into your bed and throw the covers over your head and sleep until tomorrow? Oh, you don't have those days?! Well anyway, I was having just such a day. It started out with a two hour late start for my two youngest because of ice on the roads, which just throws a kink in my day. Then off to take Kaylee to Chamber Choir practice, home again just in time to find Kameron and Ab's snow hats, boots, mittens, pants and whatever else they think they need for the first day of snow (less than an inch, mind you!). Then I managed to throw them on the bus as it went passing by! Whoosh! So I am feeling fairly successful at this point until I realize I had rented the ole' rug doctor and my floors were waiting for my attention! I started to empty rooms of their furniture and vacuum up the crap that grows on the edge the carpet. I am not sure how that stuff gets there, but man it is gross in just a couple of days! Anyway, I finally finish that task and begin the cleaning drudgery, but wait, there are spots to rewash and goop to dissolve! OK finally that is done. It is now about 11:30 am. Not bad considering I have been up since 6:15. (Which I should of been able to sleep in because of the late start, but my friend calls to tell me there is a late start and for some bizarre and unusual reason I can't get back to sleep...go figure!) I begin the actual cleaning process. You know it. The fill the base then walk back and forth slowly for hours on end. I was thinking how amazing this store brand machine was doing. I hadn't had to change the water yet. Two rooms later it dawns on me why. The whole dang floor is soaked and very little is actually making it back in the catch tank....Sheesh! I want to scream, but it would be a waste of energy since no one would hear me anyway! Just then my new realtor drops by to give me some forms. She is all dolled up in her expensive suit and I stand there in my sweats (which are wet) and greasy hair pretending I am fine with the way I look in the middle of the day!
Back to the carpet mess. I had to take the machine back to the store and get another one. Of course, they "just can't believe it doesn't work, it has never had a problem". By this time I have a problem! I am hungry, ugly and sweaty and I still have a couple hours of cleaning to do. Oh and by the way, the computer is fixed and could you pick it up now. No problem I love running all over town looking like I live in my car! Did you know you could have 700 or whatever spy ware thingies? Well evidently you can! So at 2 pm I am finally home, fed, taken some ibuprofen for the backache my fat body is causing me and am ready to begin again. OK so this time the machine works, but the carpet still looks dirty. What do you do about that? I say add more furniture and no one will notice! I finally get a shower, but don't have time for hair or makeup so I just pretend it suppose to look like that.I throw the Shepard's pie I had made the day before in the oven and set the timer to start at 4. I toss the cleaner back in the car to return it by 4 so I don't get charged a late fee. I run to the library to pick up Abbey's school library book that I had dropped off at the public library. "Yes, I know I should look to see what library it belongs to" do they think I can't read or something...I mean it is a library! I know how to read I just don't have time! They find the book and tell me to pay closer attention. Seriously, I wanted to swat her. She has no idea what I am thinking as I smile and nod my head, but inside I am...well nothing really. I am just annoyed and insulted and patronized and whatever....who cares! I know she isn't a mother of five because she is only about 12 (older I am sure, but college kids look younger to me everyday...right?). Off to the post office to mail some packages. Actually waiting in line at the post office is almost therapeutic at this point. Now I can go home and enjoy the wonderful dinner I have prepared and enjoy the kids. You'd think right? Oh no! Dinner goes OK. I get the dishwasher started (Kaylee's job this week) and clean up (Alex's job this week) because everyone has disappeared...conveniently! I have to take the girl's to young women, but Kaylee has decided to drive. She does well, except for the time she almost turned into oncoming traffic, it went fine. My heart is racing when finally arrive at the church and I drop them off. I come back home. Aah home! Time to relax? Nope homework and bedtime for the little ones. Now I am off to pick up the girls and then I think I am going to bed....this time I am going to keep the covers over my head...maybe no one will find me until tomorrow!
It is only Temporary and then we die...Enjoy!


Bayler said...

You are so dang hilarious. You need to post more often just so I can get a good laugh. I'm surprised
with Troy gone that ever day isn't like that.

Desiree said...

It' really me above!!

bladenfamily said...

I love that. You make me laugh! Hang in there. Soon you'll live closer and my mom can help and take your kids if you need a break!

Charlie said...

I love you Denise! And I am so glad to hear that you have days like I do!!
The good thing about it is that the next HAS to be better!

AMIT said...

U have shared a very good thing.

BPO work from home