Sunday, August 9, 2009

20 years oh my!

I know it is hard to believe, but I have been out of high school for 20 years! I am seriously freaked out that is even possible! Much to my dismay, it is true! After several weeks of denial I relented and decided to go to the reunion! I am so glad I did! Even Troy had fun, of course, he didn't go! He lucked out, my friends from school didn't bring their husbands so I allowed him to gleefully decline the invite! Anyway, I wish more people would have come, but seeing so many was wonderful and brought back some really great memories! I loved hearing what everyone was up to and how many children they had.
I didn't have the most children which was good and I hadn't even come close to living the farthest away either! It was fun to hear what people remembered most about those days! I loved high school and the carefree world I lived in. I loved having friends and going to dances and being involved. Though, I would never want to relive the emotions, I am grateful to have been reminded of the relationships I had there and the fun times! I highly recommend you give it a try next time too!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Our Mexican Adventure

Well, I can't sleep so I figured I would take a minute to write about our Mexican adventure! You know how you do something and the next day it seems surreal? I feel like that. We had such a great time, but then you come back to the day to day real life and you seem to feel like it was all just a dream! A good one, mind you, but still a dream.
Anyway, the trip started out early! To get the best deals on flights we had a 6:30am flight and for international that means you have to be at the airport at 4:30 which meant we had to leave our house at 3:45, which really didn't happen until about 4:10, but not much traffic and wa-la we get there in time! Now everyone is really excited and so that didn't sleep much before and we have a very long day ahead of us! Amazingly, Abbey, who as you know can't sit still, handled it fairly well. I mean I know she is almost 9, but for her, it's a record! We finally get checked in and on the flight. I think Kaylee managed to sleep through most of the flights, but the rest of us were just too dang excited! After a 3 hour layover in Houston, we get to Cancun. We finally locate our driver and about 45 minutes later we are in Playa del Carmen!
The condo we stayed at was so amazing. It was right on the beach, but had a huge, beautiful reflection pool, which Abbey and Kameron liked most. The condo itself was so pretty and it had a washer and dryer! Yeah! After immediately hitting the pool and ocean we finally got some zzzz's!
Friday we just hung out at the condo. It was really nice to sit by the pool and relax! We checked out the local "Mega" grocery store and filled up on goodies! By Saturday we were ready for the good stuff! We rented a van and headed to Xel-Ha (pronounced "shell-ha"!) We got there early (as we always do when Troy's in charge) so we had plenty of time to snorkel until we couldn't stand it any longer! Xel-ha is an amazing place. It is an enviromental refuge where the fresh water hits the ocean. There is a great river to float down, snorkeling galore and all the food you can eat! We each decided to do a "extra" here. Swimming with the dolphins is way too expensive for 7 people, so a few of us went to Snuba and myself and 3 others went on the Sea Trek. I never did hear how good the Snuba was, but the sea trek was amazing. You put a large air filled helmet on and then go to the bottom of the ocean and hold on to a bar while you walk along the bottom. Really, "walking" is used lightly here, because the current is really trying to pull you away. This was amazing, but difficult and Kam and Abbey had chosen to do this! Poor kids, the helmet weighed as much as Kam and more than Abbey. The were so nervous, but they stuck it out and had a great time! The purpose of walking on the bottom (I know you were wondering why) is because they feed the sting rays there and you get to touch and see them right there. The coolest part is when they basically sit on top of your helmet and there soft white underbelly rubs you as they go by! I love to snorkel, but I usually don't want to touch the fish! This was very cool though! Kameron ended up coming up just a few minutes early, but everyone had a wonderful time. This isn't for the clausterphobic, I have some issues with elevators, but I did ok. On the river there are places to cliff jump or dive if you are Troy, I was so impressed that both Alex(my daredevil) and Kameron jumped several times! I personally have found with age comes wisdom and I stayed plenty far away so not to be coaxed by the big guy! There is also a rope that you walk across while holding on to another rope above your head. I think we all tried this, Alex was the only one to actually make it across, because once anyone else gets on it is very difficult to balance and stay on the rope. Abbey did a great job at this, but because she is so short at times she was hanging from the rope when adults got on behind or in front of her. She and Kameron ended up getting smacked pretty hard in the head by the rope when several people fell off at once! They cried and laughed at the same time then got up and tried again! Gluttens for punishment is what I would call them!
We had arrived at opening and we left when they shut the doors, it was a long and perfect way to start our great trip!
Sunday, was kind of a special treat. We found the local LDS church and got there early. Now that in itself is funny for us, but we found no matter where you are mormons are late! The congregation was full by the end, but sparse in the beginning! We couldn't understand anything except for an occasional "Hyrum Smith", but we felt the spirit. Our family had helped Alex in a young women's project and we were able to bring several suitcases of donated and purchased shoes and clothes for the locals. That was fun! We only stayed for sacrament, but we met another American couple there who was from Preston Idaho! Holy cow, you go thousands of miles away to meet people from practically your home town!
Monday, we went shopping! Shopping in Mexico is like a flea market. A deal on every corner! It was great fun and we loved to see and talk with the locals. In Playa it is a tourist trap, but in between the nice resort hotels there are very poor homes. It was very good for us to recognize the simplicity of the people's lives. We met some great characters who speak very good english and give great compliments! Everyone wants to buy something from someone who tells you how pretty you are! We enjoyed fresh pineapple, mangoes and other fruit in a cup while we watched the ocean roll in. The ice cream was pricey, but well worth it when it is over a hundred degrees and the humidity is a 100%! I truly enjoyed it, but not everyone shared my joy!
Tuesday we rented a van again and headed to the ruins! We first set out for Koba. We took a little tour and after walking about a mile in the jungle we climbed the countries highest pyramid! I(mom) managed to cause a little upset when I found this bean-like thing on a tree limb. Ok, so it looked like a pinto bean to me, so I just wanted to taste it! Evidently the tree it grows on is poisonous and after much panicking on my part, I learned that the ugly "bean" thing was not. However, that is debateable, as my tongue tingled for the rest of the day! My kids and husband will never let me live that down!
We had so much fun finding out how the Mayans lived, but we had an even better time at the "cenotes" (see-note-a's). They are underground caves filled with beautiful clean fresh water! You swim and can jump in them off platforms! It is really a neat experience. We headed for Tulum, which is now a tourist trap, but wasn't so much 5 years before when Troy and I had been there. It was too hot and several of the kids ignored the ruins and jumped in the ocean. I don't blame them I was just too lazy to hike down the really long stairway to get there! We didn't end up staying too long as we were sweating to death so we went and had lunch at "Subway" and did a little shopping and then headed to another great snorkeling area. It was getting late in the day by now and we had to return the van so we had to cut that short, but while I was walking with Abbey on the shore line because she was "done" snorkeling, the rest of the family was able to see a sea turtle. Maybe next time!
We got the van back just in time and went back to rest! It was a long, but great day!
Wednesday, was hang out at the condo day. The kids made some friends and had fun taking silly pictures of themselves! The internet was readily available so no one had to miss their facebook moments or computer games! All the comforts of home for a teenager! Troy started feeling ill this day and ended up with a case of e-choli. He spent most of the day in bed. So on Thursday I was on my way to the pharmacy when the parents of the kids Kam and Abbey had made, came running by. Dad ends up being a anestesiologist and we head off to the pharmacy to by a presciption over the counter! I love Mexico! It was a long day for Troy as he spent most of Thursday in bed as well.
Friday he is feeling better and we head off to Cozumel, an island just off the Yucatan peninsula. The water is soooo blue there and we were excited to snorkel! We decided to try a snorkeling tour. You take a boat out into the reef and then snorkel from there. The boat has a section that has a glass bottom so you can watch the fish from there. It was a lot of fun. We saw sea snakes, a hint of an eel, baracudas, but the coolest part for me was the 1000 or more in the school of fish. It was just like on "Finding Nemo" the fish are so packed together and as the guide moved into them they just made a ring around him, but stayed in a close pack. It was really fun to watch. Abbey had decided to stay back in the boat, but she got out once and snorkeled too! She is really good at it, but it makes her a little nervous! After we got done we walked to a really good resturant and had an amazing meal! Our guide had recommended it, but evidently he didn't understand the word "cheap"! Oh well! I was worth it! There was a couple of guys who sang for us and sang for Kaylee's birthday which was coming up! They were so cute and the kids helped them with the morraccas! We headed back to the ferry and went back to the condo to recuperate from our fun!
Saturday we played a little in the morning, but headed home around 1:30. We didn't get back to the van until midnight so it was a long day too!
All in all I must say it was the best vacation we have ever been on! Our children were the perfect ages and we were all able to participate in everything. I am so grateful that Troy convinced me to go! I will never forget it! The best part was that the kids really seemed to bond. There was very little fighting or contention and we just had a great time! It was also really nice that Kaylee could speak enough spanish to bail us out of a few quandries! Thanks hon! I love Mexico and I would go back again, but I think I will try Hawaii first...hint hint!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Mexico in July

I had so much fun with the kids! My girls are growing up to be so beautiful and wonderful! I am so proud to be their mother!

So here is the church which we enjoyed going to even though only Kaylee could understand anything! A picture of the entrance to the ferry to Cozumel and a "don't slip" on your behind sign!


Well I must admit, I didn't want to go. Let me explain...Troy and I went to Mexico in May of 2003. We had a fabulous time and Troy wanted our children to experience the thrill of Mexico, but I was nervous! There were girls getting kidnapped and I didn't want to be afraid the whole time! After some coercion and promises that everyone would stick together, I relented! I am so glad I did! What a fabulous time!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Helloooo again! I think I must have sounded a little discouraged in my last post. My brother called my mom to see if I was ok. I am ok! In fact things are getting better all the time. Kaylee seems to be doing very well at school and socially too! She has made a few friends with the young women in the church. April and Alex seem to be doing a little better, but are still working on finding "JOY"! I know it will be better. I wouldn't want to be in Jr. High for anything! Would you want to go back? The elementary kids seem to be fitting in great! Kameron is loving having a scouting program. Abbey is loving Activity Days! They are easily entertained so it doesn't take much! Throw them in a room with a tv, computer and plenty of food and you wouldn't see them for days! I try to only use that scenerio as a last resort!
Talking about school has got me you remember your school years? I know that I went to a different school every year until high school, so my experiences are very different than most. I remember how hard it was to fit in, how the secretary at almost every school needed to buy a bra, how I loved the school lunches because they made them from scratch at some of the schools, especially the cinnamon rolls! I remember the plays, the debate team,the school newspaper and the very important recess. I remember swinging on the swings like spiders with my best friend Susie and singing "Private Eyes are Watching you". I remember riding my bike everywhere; it was a yellow ten speed and I think I wore it out! I remember mowing lawns, babysitting, cleaning and farm work to earn money for school clothes and fun! I remember lots of great times and a few really hard ones. I think as you get older when you look back you remember the good and try to forget the bad. Someone once told me that works with children too. When they grow up they don't remember that you yelled at them!? Do you think it is true? It is for me! I cannot remember my mother ever being mad at I know that can't be true, but I really can't remember. Maybe I really was as good as I thought!!Haha! I bet my children won't be that lucky! It is fun to look back and remember all the experiences that have shaped you. I wonder what I would be like if I had never moved. Or if I didn't have to learn to make friends all the time? Both of those experiences have proven to be great assets in my life. I usually make friends easily and have learned to adapt to change. I wonder what my kids will remember. Do you think it will be vacations or game night? I think the most memorable things are usually the little things!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The beginning....dadada!!!!

Ok. So we made it to Utah and we are mostly unpacked, at least as much as we are going to. I must admit I am a little disappointed that we haven't met the neighbors or very many church members. When you come from a small branch you attack anyone new that enters the doors. Here they don't even know if your new. There are so many people. I think the children are feeling it too. Only they are feeling it in a different way. Yesterday they started school and I am not allowed to comment much on it, it evidently did not go well. The schools here are huge. There are 1600 kids in the high school 10th-12th grade. There are just as many in the jr. high. The elementary kids have 1000 kids in their school and they seem to be fairing better.
There is nothing harder than watching your children suffer with any problem. I have prayed and cried and prayed some more that someone might step in and be a friend to them. Everyone needs a friend and moving is so hard. I should know I went to a different school every year until high school. There are some advantages. You get to be whoever you want. No one knows if last year you were a geek, because this year your amazing! The other advantage is the "I'm new here and I don't know what your talking about!" That is a classic! Of course, I here that all the time! I am proud of the kids for doing their best to make the most of it. I know it will get better, but change takes time and we are an impatient society!
I know I tend to blabber, but if you know me then you know that I am like that in person too! I love to talk. Not the best thing to do when your new. The best idea is to be friendly, but be a listener. Not my gift! I am working on it. Especially since Kameron informed his primary teacher and school teacher that his parents NEVER listen to him! How can that be? I am sure I have heard him talk before. I mean in the last 10 years I have had to have heard something he guess not! What a funny kid! He is a riot though and I would be sad if he were to ever go away! See you later!

Monday, January 12, 2009

I was lost, but now I'm found...

I know it has been a long time since I wrote which is actually kind of sad since there has been so much going on. Let see, we had the holidays, which we spent in Minnesota. They were great. The best part was Troy was home with us! We shared Thanksgiving with a couple of wonderful branch(church)friends! Troy flew out just after Thanksgiving and it was a very long month until we saw him again! I am so glad that is over! Christmas was stressful, as we were trying to get things packed. We took the Christmas tree down on Christmas day. That was kind of sad. Then the day after Christmas a bunch of men from the church came and helped Troy pack the truck. Oh didn't I mention...we moved! No, we didn't sell the house, but we have some great friends taking care of it until it sells. Anyway, we finished loading the truck, cleaning the house and started on our way to Utah! It took a lot of effort to get most of the stuff on the truck we rented and when it didn't all fit I started to lose it! Troy gave in to my pleadings (reluctantly, since he thinks we should just have disposable furniture!) and got a trailer to pull behind the 26' truck. I was happy until I realized we would still be leaving things behind! I know it is just "stuff", but we are those kind of people who don't replace things that we get rid of. Anyway, after some mourning for my unpacked possessions,we began our journey to Utah.
We decided to make it a little fun for the kids and so we stayed at a water park hotel in South Dakota. It was a lot of fun! Troy and I were so heavy together on the tubes we thought we would never stop in the toilet bowl slide! That is another story! So that night we drove up to Mt. Rushmore to see the lights shining on the mountain. It never even dawned on me that it would be closed. The last time we had been there it was summer you know! The roads were pretty clear and when we arrived the gate was open, but no one was there. The faces were all lit up and we enjoyed a full, clear view, without the crowd! It was great! I imagine most people don't go to South Dakota to look at the mountain two days after Christmas. We also went to reptile garden and though we couldn't see all the reptiles because it is too cold, we had a good time. The bonus is that it is way cheaper in the winter!
We arrived in Utah on New Year's Eve! We had a couple of guys show up to help us unload, but mostly handled it ourselves. Thank heavens for my tough girls!
So we are starting a new year in a new town, with new faces and new schools, but we keep reminding ourselves that we are finally together and that is truly all that counts!