Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The beginning....dadada!!!!

Ok. So we made it to Utah and we are mostly unpacked, at least as much as we are going to. I must admit I am a little disappointed that we haven't met the neighbors or very many church members. When you come from a small branch you attack anyone new that enters the doors. Here they don't even know if your new. There are so many people. I think the children are feeling it too. Only they are feeling it in a different way. Yesterday they started school and I am not allowed to comment much on it, it evidently did not go well. The schools here are huge. There are 1600 kids in the high school 10th-12th grade. There are just as many in the jr. high. The elementary kids have 1000 kids in their school and they seem to be fairing better.
There is nothing harder than watching your children suffer with any problem. I have prayed and cried and prayed some more that someone might step in and be a friend to them. Everyone needs a friend and moving is so hard. I should know I went to a different school every year until high school. There are some advantages. You get to be whoever you want. No one knows if last year you were a geek, because this year your amazing! The other advantage is the "I'm new here and I don't know what your talking about!" That is a classic! Of course, I here that all the time! I am proud of the kids for doing their best to make the most of it. I know it will get better, but change takes time and we are an impatient society!
I know I tend to blabber, but if you know me then you know that I am like that in person too! I love to talk. Not the best thing to do when your new. The best idea is to be friendly, but be a listener. Not my gift! I am working on it. Especially since Kameron informed his primary teacher and school teacher that his parents NEVER listen to him! How can that be? I am sure I have heard him talk before. I mean in the last 10 years I have had to have heard something he guess not! What a funny kid! He is a riot though and I would be sad if he were to ever go away! See you later!


The Campbell Clan said...

I'm so glad you guys moved back!

Charlie said...

Happy, happy you are here! Hang in there..I'm glad you have such a great family to support each other!
Love the family picture at the Reptile gardens! AWESOME!
HUGS again.